Values Workshop 20 November 24


Would you like to do some work on your Values, or participate in the wonderful Wheel of Life exercise, in a small group setting?

The groups sessions are wonderful for connection and exploration, they allow you to learn and discover with other people, while keeping the costs down too. These are single sessions lasting between 90 and 120 minutes, and numbers are kept small so that everyone gets the opportunity to be heard:

Join this small group workshop (maximum of 4 people) to participate in some transformational values work.

This workshop allows you to explore what your values are, and whether you are living in alignment with them. If we find we aren’t living in alignment with our values, this can impact our overall happiness, our ability to be authentic, and to flourish as an individual. Showing up in our life authentically can create a huge shift in terms of overall wellbeing. We will first identify your 5 core values (with guidance and support), and go through a method of listing them in order of importance, from 1-5.

We will then look at your day-to-day life to see if you are living in alignment with these core values, and set goals to get you closer to living as your authentic self. You will be sent a workbook prior to the session, so that you can keep a record of all that you have learned, to enable you to refer back, and reflect on your findings, and re-do the workshop independently in future, should you wish.

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